วันเสาร์ที่ 6 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553

Burger King's new brand of snack

This story is related to term-paper in term of strategies of well-known fast food restaurant. I chose this story because I am interested in the products.

Burger King got to snack business with the new products, two potato snacks including ketchup and fries flavored potato snacks and flame broiled flavored potato snacks, and one onion ring snack which are produced by inventure group for Burger King brand. all of them are available in a plenty of size and price. These all available in vending machines, warehouse clubs, drug and grocery stores and convenient stores. Onion rings are available in a size of .75and1.1.25 ounce bags in vending machines, 2 ounce in convenient store, 3 ounce in grocery store and 9 to 12 ounce in club stores. During the onion ring snacks are in testing, It gets a high rating.

In conclusion, onion rings are popular among the customers so they should continue in developing this flavor. I learn that selling only food could not be popular so the great way to develop the brand is find a new trend. It would help me for opportunity analysis in term paper. I would like to know more about how they morph onion ring into a snack.

